One of the largest global commitments to gender equality, Pacific Women Lead (PWL) aims to promote women’s leadership, realise women’s rights, and increase the effectiveness of regional gender equality efforts. PWL is Australia’s flagship regional gender equality investment for the Pacific.
About Us
PWL’s goal is for Pacific women and girls, in all their diversity, to be safe and equitably share in resources, opportunities and decision-making with men and boys.
Women and girls’ voice
More women and girls, in all their diversity are respected, listened to and influence decision-making at all levels and spheres (community, provincial, national, public and private)
Pacific feminist civil society
The Pacific feminist movement has grown in depth, is better connected, and their expertise is drawn upon by Pacific partners
Women and adolescent girls
Have improved access to quality health care services, especially sexual and reproductive health
Women’s safety
Violence against women and children is reduced and survivors of gender-based violence have access to quality support services, including in times of disasters
Women’s economic empowerment
Diverse women have more equitable
access to resilient economic opportunities, including increased voice in economic decision making
Pacific ownership and regional
There is robust engagement, cooperation and mutual sharing between regional agencies and intergovernmental organisations to deliver on gender equality commitment
Gender mainstreaming
Pacific governments and developmental partners are implementing programs and policies that support gender equality
Pacific Women’s Funds
- Funding for Pacific Women’s Funds (Urgent Action Fund Asia and the Pacific, Women’s Fund Fiji and Pacific Feminist Fund) through the AIR (Amplify, Invest, Reach) program
DFAT Direct Relationships
- Regional program: Funding to UN agencies, Pacific regional organisations and International Non-Government organisations
- Pacific Post bilateral gender equality funding commitments.
Pacific Women Lead at the Pacific Community (PWL at SPC)
- Three streams of work: innovation, convening and partnerships
- Management of the Pacific Girl program
- Management of grants
providing technical and funding support to civil society and other organizations
- Support to 22 member
governments through convenings and technical funding support - Secretariat for the independent Pacific Women Lead Governance Board
Pacific Women Lead Enabling Services
- Management of Balance of Power and We Rise Coalition
- Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) whole-of-portfolio
- QTAG – panel of technical advisers
- Support to smaller DFAT Posts.
Pacific Women Lead Governance Board

Meet our Governance Board
Our Governance Board drives strategy and high-level decision making for the program, and champions the advancement of women across the region.
The Board comprises a majority of Pacific women leaders including representatives from the Pacific Community (SPC), Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS), Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and 10 independent members.