Country briefs

Country briefs provide information on the gender activities funded under the PWL portfolio that are being implemented in 11 Pacific Island Countries. The briefs enable the PWLES MEL team and DFAT Posts to undertake a review of all project details (such as project timeframes and budgets) to ensure all information captured in the database is correct. Country briefs will be updated every 6 months. The data is drawn from the PWL quantitative database as of 30 June 2024.
These briefs provide information on:
- Number of bilateral activities
- Total activities and number and type of implementing partners
- Total number of activities per outcome and sub-outcome areas
- Total funding per outcome and sub-outcome areas
- Number of regional projects
- Reach data against PWL quantitative indicators. Reach data refers to the coverage of activities: how many diverse men, women, boys and girls have been reached by an activity or project.