The Pacific Community (SPC) as the key delivery partner of PWL’s four delivery partners. PWL sits within SPC’s Human Rights and Social Development (HRSD) division and supports the implementation of key regional commitments outlined in the Pacific Leaders’ Gender Equality Declaration, the Pacific Platform for Action on Gender Equality and Women’s Human Rights, and the outcomes of the Triennial Conference of Pacific Women. Through PWL, SPC provides technical, convening and funding support to government ministries, civil society, and other partners, while also acting as Secretariat for the PWL Governance Board.
The Pacific Women Lead (PWL) at the Pacific Community (SPC) programme, termed PWL at SPC, has more than AUD 55 million dedicated to its work under the Australian Government’s AUD 170 million Pacific Women Lead portfolio. This partnership with the Australian Government commits SPC to deliver the PWL programme, as the cornerstone for the portfolio.
SPC also delivers the Women in Leadership (WIL) program and leads the Gender Equality Flagship initiative for the whole of SPC operations and programming. Through PWL, SPC provides technical, convening and funding support to government ministries, civil society, and other partners, while also acting as Secretariat for the PWL Governance Board.