Annual Progress Report
April 29, 2024Our first Annual Progress Report covers the first two years of implementation (July 2021 – June 2023). With its Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) system being established in 2022, it did not compile a year one report, hence this report covers the first 2 years of implementation. Going forward, we will compile an Annual Progress Report for the program. This report presents quantitative and qualitative data against the PWL indicators to provide information on the scope and reach of the program, answers the 5 yearly evaluation questions outlined in the whole-of-portfolio MELF and provides recommendations for program improvement. The data used to draw conclusions about progress come from 2 data sources:
- partner reporting, which includes quantitative data on the number of women and girls reached by project activities, and narrative reporting, which speaks to partner progress against their project level outcomes.
- impact stories collected from a sample of projects across the PWL portfolio.