Phoebe’s passion for the empowerment of women and girls drives her work within the gender-space 

28 April 2024
Image Source    Pacific Community

“The staff at SPC have a wealth of experience in the gender and development space internationally, I am grateful to develop close working relationships with people whose careers mirror my long-term aspirations.”

Phoebe Nadenbousch is a Research Intern who recently joined the Pacific Women Lead at SPC programme.

She shares her insights on wanting to learn about regional approaches to the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). 

“I have always been passionate about the empowerment of women and girls. I am particularly interested in the eradication of sexual and gender-based violence in all its forms.”

Phoebe is currently under the New Colombo Plan Scholarship, a signature initiative of the Australian Government which aims to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific in Australia by supporting Australian undergraduates to study and undertake internships in the region.

“As part of my New Colombo Plan Scholarship, I want to learn regional approaches to SGBV prevention to understand what practices achieve the most meaningful change and how these may be applicable to the Australian context,” she said.

Phoebe explains how fortunate she has been to gain experience from an organisation in the Pacific to help build her momentum for a long-term career.

“I am grateful that I have been able to work at the national level within Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, or FWRM, and now I can work at a regional level on the PWL at SPC programme,” she said.

Her motivation to work within the gender space comes from the prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence in Australia, the Pacific and across the globe.

“Until the levels come down and the enabling cultures are dismantled through advocacy, policy reform, education, and justice, I will continue to be motivated to work in this space,” she said.

“In the long-term I would like to produce meaningful policy and structural reform for justice processes, consent education, and SGBV mitigation in Australia,” she said.

At PWL at SPC, Phoebe is primarily supporting the onboarding of the TokSave Gender Research Portal, a unique, interactive  portal-style resource for gender research and knowledge.  

Research Officer for Pacific Women Lead at SPC, Jennifer Danford, explained how Phoebe’s role would help strengthen her capacity in report writing, managing a gender research portal, logistical management of events and help broaden her networks of opportunities. 

Phoebe is also providing support to the Pacific Girl programme, the only regional programme in the Pacific region that focuses on enhancing the rights of adolescent girls.  

“I have been coordinating the logistics, mission planning, stakeholder engagement and administration for the Pacific Girl mid-term review planning. This has also helped me broaden my wealth of knowledge and experience in program design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation,” she said.

With the support of the Australian Government’s New Colombo Plan Scholarship, Phoebe is laying the foundations of a long-term career in policy and structural reform for justice processes, consent education, and SGBV mitigation. Through her internship at Pacific Women Lead at SPC, she will make a valuable contribution to promoting women’s leadership and realising women’s rights in the Pacific region and beyond.

About Pacific Women Lead  

One of the largest global commitments to gender equality, Pacific Women Lead aims to promote women’s leadership, realise women’s rights, and increase the effectiveness of regional gender equality efforts. 

The Pacific Women Lead (PWL) programme at the Pacific Community (SPC), termed PWL at SPC, has more than AUD 55 million dedicated to its work under the Australian Government’s AUD 170 million Pacific Women Lead portfolio. This partnership with the Australian Government commits SPC to deliver the PWL programme, as the cornerstone for the portfolio.