Country Briefs
Country briefs provide information on the gender activities funded under PWL. Portfolio that are being implemented in the 14 Pacific Island Countries.
It also serves as a mechanism for the PWLES MEL team and DFAT Posts to undertake a review of all project details (i.e, project timeframes and budgets) to ensure
all information captured in the database is correct. Country briefs will be updated on a six monthly basis. The data is drawn from the PWL quantitative database as of 30 August 2023.
These briefs provide information on:
- Number of Bilateral Activities
- Total activities and number and type of implementing partners
- Total number of activities per outcome and sub-outcome areas
- Total funding per outcome and sub-outcome areas
- Number of regional projects
- Reach data against PWL quantitative indicators. Reach data refers to the coverage of activities: how many diverse men, women, boys and girls have been reached by an activity or project